Open Water Lifeguarding Webinar

Gerry Dworkin, Lifesaving Resources. Water Rescue Training Consultant.

Open Water Lifeguarding Webinar

FREE!  (Get webinar link at bottom of page)

Currently no webinars scheduled. Please visit our Course Registration page to see all upcoming courses and academies.

This fast-paced and comprehensive webinar will be beneficial to all lifeguards, lifeguard Instructors and Supervisors, and Aquatic venue Managers and Operators.

The focus will be on the prevention, recognition and management of drowning and aquatic injuries with a special focus on open water lifeguarding, in addition to swimming pools and waterparks.

Warning: this webinar will include very graphic video and audio clips of actual drowning incidents.

The webinars will be presented live from our headquarters in Kennebunkport, Maine by Gerry Dworkin. With over 40 years’ experience in the field and in training first responders from around the world, Gerry is considered one of the nation’s foremost experts in water/ice rescue and in forensic investigations related to aquatic injury or death. He has consulted in over 500 litigation cases and has been featured in national media including CBS News and NBC News.